Thursday, 26 January 2012

X=y2 but does N =Profits b4 (people) ?

What does that mean for the non mathematicians? I think it means the  NATIONAL PARTY (N) lie through their smiling white teeth.
I think, that the situation in the Christchurch council now, is the same situation that will see the National party fail to complete this term. Why, because there has been a total lack of democracy. In Christchurch , the then, Mayor Bob Parker decided to not have a local election due to the earthquake and undemocratically re-elected itself. As if, that lack of decency, and fairness was not obvious the CEO Tony Mariott has seen fit to be rewarded with a $68,000.00 bonus.
Excuse me, but given the state, of the worlds financial market , should  the CEO already, on a half a million dollar package also try and practise a little restraint? Also does that just not rub snot on the face of the people in Chch who desperately want to leave, but can't for lack of funds, seem out of place ?
Once again it begs to look at the cognitive dissonance or huge gap in the rhetoric between what they say they will do, and what they actually will do.

Who else feels that the National Party put profits before people?

I know that senior people in the National Party decided that Kim Dotcom could live in New Zealand and due to his vast wealth his shady  past dealing were overlooked. Not one to miss out on a good time or a golden handshake, john Banks also accepted this man's money and hospitality. The same John Banks who would never ever visit an Occupy and meet some of this countries displaced.

I am beginning to believe that John Key is New Zealand's Gordon Gecko, of the Greed is good mantra! I have no other explanation for all the times he has been able to shrug off the needs and wishes of the common man. John Key has done nothing to get the 29 bodies out of the ground of the Pike River mine. reason , too expensive and best left in the hands of the receivers.

John Keys solution for Christchurch was not one to help the people of Christchurch. No it was to set the old boys building club, Fletchers up for the job of the century and thus eliminating all the small and existing companies out of business or to work at the set rates by the Fletchers crowd. Many people are still waiting an answer and many would leave if the government would step in allow it.

It would seem that they don't want people to have free choice in Chch or access to information either .
Now it seems that the Prime minister is able to renege on all election promises, do as he pleases and do what benefits the few at the top the most.

What should happen ? I think we need to revisit the election , the promises and the fact that over 35% of the people did not vote. I think we need to cull Parliament by the same percentage . If you do not vote for the people in power, then that is a valid choice, and the numbers should represent the proportion of people that did not vote. That would mean a 30% saving and a reduction of the numbers in Parliament. A good thing too.

When you have a Government that puts profits before people , you actually collapse the world economy . As we all know, that if the money does not go to the people, or the jobs are not there for the people to earn money there is going to be a collapse in the economy and a big increase in crime. John Key you need to do a lot better or expect some heavy reactions back.

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