Monday, 5 September 2011

A picture says a thousand words.

An interesting photo shows a group of angry protesters outside the cabinet meeting in Christchurch . However the headline reads "Taxpayer's share of bill for refund to rise again."
I read the article but not one sentence was given to the large group of dissenters. They held aloft a group of interesting signs , all pointing out the differences between the rich and poor. High lighting inequality and showing the men in power that the system is not working is being ignored.
One sign that stood out was this,

I wonder what they mean?

Tell me more?

Who wrote it?

I like it. The tide has turned on the Government down south and for some reason the media does not seem to want to show the reality. We are being lulled into a false sense of reality especially here in Auckland.   But the sense that I am getting in we think losing the World Cup is bad, THAT"S nothing!
The hard times are ahead and the when the truth is told people will be angry and annoyed.
Perhaps this Government thinks that a jolly good party is all we need , yet it also is chopping into services while we are not looking. The last two weeks I have seen the end of the APA, which again makes me think, without them?
I don't know about you, but when the state housing dept. is laying off people and abandoning projects, selling off State assets I am very concerned. Hopefully a more true reflection of what public sentiment is really like, apart from what the papers are telling you will be presented soon and not until after the election. Cos don't you hate that saying, I told You so!?

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